Rosanna Costa – Art Shopping Paris 2018

Rosanna Costa 

Art Shopping Paris

19 – 21 ottobre 2018

Parigi – Carrousel du Louvre

Stand D89 e D90

Il Melograno Art Gallery

Rosanna Costa deve ai suoi genitori la passione per l’arte e la pittura.
Quando era molto giovane, la sua maestra di disegno era così entusiasta del suo primo dipinto a olio, raffigurante il colonnato di Monreale, che lo portò a casa.

La sua personalità attenta e sensibile la spinge alla ricerca di immagini di forte emozione. È sempre pronta ad approfondire la sua ricerca, a mettere alla prova la sua abilità e i suoi mezzi espressivi, come se lei stessa e la tela divenissero un tutt’uno. Si iscrive all’Accademia Trossi-Uberti di Livorno e nello stesso anno partecipa alla sua prima competizione a Lucca dove vince il primo premio. Questa è per lei  lo stimolo per andare avanti e il punto di partenza che l’ha portata ad una serie di premi e riconoscimenti.

Rosanna Costa owes her parents a passion for drawing and painting.
When very young her drawing teacher was so enthusiastic about her first oil painting depicting the colonnade of Monreale that he took it at home.
Her attentive and sensitive personality makes her always looking for images of strong emotion. She is always eager to deepen her research, to test her skills and ways of expression as if she was merging herself together with the canvas. She enrolled at the Trossi-Uberti Academy in Livorno and in the same year she took part at her first competition in Lucca where she won the first Prize. This is the motivation for her to move forward and the starting point for a series of prizes and awards.
To mention:
December 2017, Fiorino d’Argento, Florence-Europe Award, Visual Arts
May 2017, 1st prize for the “Inferarte” Capannoli Pisa competition
January 2017 1st prize for the Casa America Foundation international competition, Genoa, “Italy and the Americas through migration”
December 2016, exhibition at Pall Mall Art Gallery, London
September 2016, collective exhibition “Arte allo Scotto” in Pisa with the Compagnia Artisti dell’Arno
July 2016, collective exhibition at Palazzo Orlando, Livorno – first prize at the end of the course
May 2016, 2nd prize for the “Città del Mobile” Ponsacco competition
April 2016, exhibition at the Independent gallery, Busto Garolfo Milano
February 2016, exhibition at the Flux Gallery, Budapest
December 2015, collective exhibition at the Leopolda Station, Pisa
October 2015, personal exhibition “shadows lights colors” Melograno Gallery in Livorno
September 2015, 2nd prize at the 5th Competition Franco Nannicini, Capannoli Pisa
August 2015, Best Artist Award debutant ROTONDA National Contemporary Art Competition Livorno
April 2014, 1st Arquitenens Competition Prize, Lucca “Show your art” – first personal exhibition