Andrey Remnev - Dorothy Circus Gallery - Roma

Andrey Remnev – Dorothy Circus Gallery – Roma


PRIVATE VIEW: Saturday, 30 November, 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm at Via dei Pettinari 76, Roma.
The event is free and open to the public but RSVPs are required, please contact
Casale del Giglio
Grezzo •raw chocolate•
Technical partners: Telarte | Casa Banzo | Paola Ercoli Cornici

La Dorothy Circus Gallery di Roma è orgogliosa di presentare l’ultima mostra, del ciclo Turning Page programmazione del 2019, che si conclude con la personale del rinoma-to pittore russo Andrey Remnev (Yakhroma, 1962).

Andrey Remnev – The Face of a Natural Force – Solo Show

L’Artista presenta per la sua prima personale italiana, patrocinata dall’Ambasciata Russa, la serie inedita dal titolo “The Face of a Natural Force”, una raccolta di dodici tele ad olio ipnotiche e visionarie, che ci propongono una riflessione sul rapporto tra Anima e Natura.

In seguito a numerose visite nella Penisola l’artista ha maturato una firma stilistica personalissima, che seppur legata ad alcuni schemi tradizionali ben precisi, strizza l’occhio all’estetica passionale del Belpaese e la declina con la sensibilità unica di un anima Russa.

Dorothy Circus Gallery is proud to present the last exhibition of the Turning Page programme, that ends with the solo exhibition of the Russian painter Andrey Remnev (Yakhroma, 1962).

The artist will present at his first Italian show, with the patronage of the Embassy of Russian Federation in Italy, the brand new series The Face of a Natural Force, a collection of 12 mesmerising and visionary oil paintings which will reflect on the relationship between Soul and Nature.

Following his numerous visits to Italy, Remnev developed a very personal signature style which – despite still being deeply connected to defined traditional pictorial structures – recalls the Italian passionate aesthetic, while is incorporating the unique sensibility of a Russian soul.